MojiLife Fragrance and Essential Oil Pods are truly powerful and diverse! The Pod is the key to making your space something that is uniquely yours. You can create lasting memories through the power of fragrance. The excitement surrounding the release of new MojiLife Fragrance Pods and Holiday/Seasonal Fragrance Pods is undeniable. Set the mood for the upcoming Holiday’s, freshen up an otherwise dull and life-less space or bring past memories to life with the Pod. It is universal, versatile and eco-friendly. The Pod does it all!
MojiLife is committed to providing quality fragrances and essential oils. Did you know that all MojiLife Essential Oils are 100% pure, free of pesticides, harmful solvents, fillers, synthetic adulterants and fragrances? These quality ingredients have been paired with the convenience of the Pod! No more searching for different fragrance methods for specific settings. Every MojiLife Fragrance Pod will fit in your AirMoji, MojiX, M3 and MojiMini. Every product is designed to make your fragrance delivery experience unique, simple and safe.
The Pod has the ability to serve a wide range of uses. With so many fragrance and essential oil options you are able to choose your own device and Pod to fit your needs, which is what makes it so powerful. Designed to be used anywhere from your living room to your nightstand to your gym bag or your vehicle (and anywhere in between,) there are no limits to the possibilities. Find YOUR favourite way to use the pod, get started today!